Il mio sogno sciamanico del risveglio

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Moderatori: Pinchuruwia, Tuna, Mayu

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Messaggi: 3
Iscritto il: dom 25 ago 2013, 20:32

Il mio sogno sciamanico del risveglio

Messaggio da astrovortica »

Sto scrivendo questo messaggio con Google Translate. Ho mandato e-mail a ma nessuno mi ha risposto. Così ho voluto inviare il testo della mia e-mail qui. Sarà inglese dispiace. Ma tu sei la mia unica speranza. Si prega di rispondere. :)

"Hi there. I really hope you'll read this mail and answer to this mail. I've been waiting for years to tell what I'm about to tell you. First of all I must say that, in your website : from questions 1 to 10, all questions are yes for me except the 9th question. I just found your website today with some luck and I'm glad I find it.

Now I must tell the strange part of the story. It was like 4 or 5 years ago. I saw a very strange(maybe the most) dream. I was standing in front of a pretty grassy mountain. It was very peaceful. There was a long wooden tunnel. Then a native american woman with their traditional clothes dressed, appeared from the tunnel. Then walked through the wooden tunnel. I chased her to the entrance of the tunnel. Tunnel was very long so I couldn't see the end of tunnel. She was standing far away from me but I could hear her whispering me. She whispered me "Tawoda kodu", I heard her very clearly that I still recognize what she said to me. After whispering she walked through the tunnel again and she disappeared. And then I woke up with a strange feeling. I was a little shocked because I knew there was something symbolic and mystic about this dream. Then I began to search for some answers. After searching an answer guess what I found.. The word " Tawoda" is a word of Cherokees use. And "Tawoda" means HAWK! I couldn't believed what I found and I still don't know such a thing about Cherooke language or their traditions.. I looked up for "kodu" word too but I couldn't find a word like that. After it I investigated little bit and I found some information about spirit guide animals and there was hawk too.. I was shocked again after I found this information but still I don't know anything about the things I'm telling you right now.

For some reason I found your website today and I'm writing this e-mail to you right now. I hope you'll read this mail and give me some information about what I encountered. I really want to know all about this, what did I encounter, or who am I ? If you read this e-mail thank you so much for reading. I hope to get a reply from you about my e-mail.

With my best regards"
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Messaggi: 333
Iscritto il: mar 28 dic 2010, 0:54
Località: Ravenna

Re: Il mio sogno sciamanico del risveglio

Messaggio da Chaìr »

Hi Astrovortica and welcome!

I think your dream is meaningful, does the hawk mean something to you?
i.e. you like it or you have had experiences with it ...

Within this forum you would find a lot of informations but they're al written in italian language and the person who receives the emails is traveling abroad at the moment, so please be patient! Maybe he will answer later, anyway you can tell us about your dreams but please do it in the other section of this forum (Sogni e visioni). Sometimes we are able to give you answers, sometimes not ... that's what dreams are. Simply be patient and take your time.

animo y fuerza
Messaggi: 3
Iscritto il: dom 25 ago 2013, 20:32

Re: Il mio sogno sciamanico del risveglio

Messaggio da astrovortica »

Thank you for your quick reply :) Now I understand why I didn't get an email reply its ok :) and sorry for opening this topic in the wrong section :( And about your questions, I have never seen a hawk in real life and I didn't have experiences with it. That's why I was shocked. I hope one day I can find the answer of that dream or who I am. Thanks again for your answer :) I'll be patient :)
Messaggi: 885
Iscritto il: lun 12 ott 2009, 10:19

Re: Il mio sogno sciamanico del risveglio

Messaggio da Shushui »

Hi Astrovortica
If you want I would like to try to interpret you dream. Dreams have a materialization in your everyday life so to be able to try to say something about yours it is important to know some essential information. Please read Tsunki's post (post n. 7, point 4) on the following page for more details: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=258

To be able to read your dream I need to know:
  • - your age at the time of the dream
  • - the country where you lived, just to have an idea of your cultural background
  • - if at that time you had a partner, or if you were living alone or with your parents
  • - if at that time you already had children
  • - if you had any connection with American Indians
  • - Do you remember other details of the dream, and can you give a better description of how the woman looked like? For example was she young, old, pretty or ugly?
  • - at what time you had the dream, if in the middle of the night or before waking up?
Thanks for posting.
"Nosotros hemos enseñado muchas cosas a los hombres"
Los Árboles

Ánimo y fuerza
Messaggi: 3
Iscritto il: dom 25 ago 2013, 20:32

Re: Il mio sogno sciamanico del risveglio

Messaggio da astrovortica »

Hi there and thanks for your post :)

I was like 18 when I saw that dream. I live in Turkey, maybe my links can go to middle asian shamans. I was living alone with my parents.
I didn't have a children. I have no idea if I have connection with American indians(%99 I have not). Woman looked like middle aged and pretty. She was wearing traditional shaman or maybe indian clothes. I saw that dream before waking up morning, not middle of the night.

Thanks again I'm waiting for your post :)
Messaggi: 885
Iscritto il: lun 12 ott 2009, 10:19

Re: Il mio sogno sciamanico del risveglio

Messaggio da Shushui »

Dreams bring a power which is what you need or use to do something in your life.
If the word you heard was hawk and the woman you met was a shaman the dream could have brought to you the power to obtain something. The shaman woman could have been a person you respect, older than you, who helped you.
You should have already experienced the power of the dream in your life in the same week of the dream or in a few weeks after.

What changed in your life in the following days or weeks?
"Nosotros hemos enseñado muchas cosas a los hombres"
Los Árboles

Ánimo y fuerza